The Soulmate Journey

In today’s day and age, no child has escaped the grips of complex attachment trauma.

Complex attachment trauma is far beyond a moment in time when your system was overwhelmed.

Complex attachment trauma is years/decades of a child’s life where they felt overwhelmed due to the emotional, physical or spiritual neglect they were experiencing due to the unattuned adults living around them, drowning in their own cesspool of pain.

These traumas are emotional injuries, where your system has stopped emoting, expressing and living in alignment with was feels deeply true inside.

These emotional injuries create traumas that are lodged inside of the body.

Due to these energetic blockages, it’s more than likely that at first glance… your soul mate will not recognise you.

It’s more than likely you will not recognise them.

This is not because they are not attractive enough, or because they aren’t the right match.

This is because of the emotional injuries that live buried away in your system, that distort you from seeing truth from illusion.

Coming together with this person is going to bring up a lot because you’ll naturally have to work through the emotional injuries (together) until you can truly meet one another in a deep space of Sacred Union.

This is the space of boundless, infinite, unconditional love where you merge back into one soul and like your life in perfect harmony by the laws of masculine/feminine balance.

There will be an intentionally painful period during the initial years of your union. If you are both committed, you’ll come out the other side not only stronger in your union… but without the heavy load you had been carrying prior to meeting this person.

No longer will relating with the other be filtered through subtle layers of pain, validation or coping.

The pain inside of you will be healed.

In our Sacred Union all of our unworthiness and insecurities has to come up to come out. All of the tension and sadness that was stored deep within our bodies and hearts was seen and alchemised.

Our union lovingly invited us (at times it felt like force, but it’s always an invitation) to look at ourselves… look at our pain.

And when we said yes and we sit in the fire together… life became more beautiful than we could ever imagine.


Love + relationship = struggle