I’m sorry

They were on the edge of duality.

Where one, became infinity.

It was Him and Her.

Man and Woman.

Polar opposite’s in every way…

Yet their energies are what merge to create the entire Multi-verse.

They sit together, on the edge of the dimension where Oneness transforms into Duality.

They are silently aware that entering this realm will be challenging in every single way.

They will forget the feeling of Oneness, yet they’ll desperately seek it through the spark of polarity.

Where two seemingly incomplete energies can merge into one.

As they sit there on the ledge… 

He begins to weep, and his tears turn into a deep cry.

He is being shown how deeply he will lose himself in the third-dimensional realm.

He is being shown all the ways this experience of losing himself will make him drift so far away from her.

He won’t see her.

He won’t understand her.

His walls will run so high, at times she’ll reach into his consciousness but will never find him… she’ll feel empty and alone.

His sexual impulses will take over him… sometimes in monstrous ways.

He’ll hurt her.

Emotionally and sometimes physically… when his own darkness takes over him.

Suddenly… she starts crying.

She is too, being shown her own trajectory, of drifting away from home.

She will experience immense pain, a lot of it to do with her body and her sexual life force.

She sees the ways she’ll cut him down.

Demean him.

She’ll belittle him and try to take away his power… because she is afraid.

She’ll have sex with his best friend to make him jealous, and she’ll use her body in unconscious ways.

She’ll manipulate him to get what she needs.

They both sit there weeping together, holding one another, startled yet understanding of the visions they’ve been shown.

They place their third eyes together, and say how deeply sorry they are for the trajectory of unconsciousness that is to follow over the coming thousands of years of their evolution.

They will journey as one, but they are completely opposite in all ways.

Their roles, their instincts, their impulses, their desires…

Their co-existence is the most important thing in the Universe, yet it’s the biggest cosmic joke of them all in its probablity for clashes and combat.

They know they are up for a big journey ahead.

They know there will be fights, wars, bloodshed and millions of families destroyed.

They also know their existence, working together as One… will be what moves our civilization forward into the ascension towards Oneness.

They take one more look into the third dimension… they hold hands… and as they prepare to make their descent… 

They say to one another…

“I can’t do this without you. I love you.” 

And they make their descent down, together.

Knowing that it’ll only be a matter of time, until their love for one another is remembered once more.

— A Sacred Union lucid dream Sarah experienced


Love + relationship = struggle