Ryan & Sarah

Our journey together started when we met in Bali, Indonesia six years ago. Despite not "feeling the call" to spend much time with one another, the cosmic force of the universe (synchronicity) had us immediately start co-parenting a stray puppy together, which kept us side-by-side for three weeks straight. The love we felt for this beautiful little Bali dog quickly began to trickle into the love we felt for one another. Exactly one year later to the day our sweet pup was poisoned by a Balinese offering and sadly, she passed away. The silver lining of that experience was despite her leaving… what was left was the profound love we both shared for one another.

Over the years we have navigated many twists and turns in our partnership, including an astounding amount of pain that was surfacing for each of us. This pain wasn’t personal and it wasn’t truly the relationship. It was deep wounds from childhood that we needed to work through together… or risk the relationship coming to an end. At one point we were so close to breaking up that we hired someone to hold an uncoupling ceremony for us. We never made it to that ceremony. We did our inner work, moved through the next glass ceiling of our relational consciousness, and fell even more deeply in love with one another.

Soul Revival Retreat

in Montezuma, Costa Rica May 27 - June 1, 2023

The Inner Work

It has never been more important to show up for your inner work than now β€” and the truth is, we ALL need safe contained spaces as we enter into the deeper realms of transformation. 

Therapeutic containers are not only for those who are becoming aware of their financial blocks, their childhood trauma and their unhealed wounds that are surfacing in their intimate relationship.

Successful coaches, CEO’s, leaders, writers and creators equally require safe spaces to be held. The more people we are holding, the more we also need to be held in our sacred unravelling.

This is because we’ve all experienced moments in our childhood where our deepest physical, emotional and heart desires were neglected by those around us. We were prodded and molded into who others thought we should be, leaving with little space for our true authentic expression to blossom.

It can be reasonably simple to get by without realizing how truly out of alignment we have become in all areas of our life… until… we meet our soulmate and enter into a long-term committed partnership. This is when everything begins to surface letting us know that we will need to look deeper within if we want to live a long, healthy and abundant lifestyle with someone we deeply love by our side.

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Private Sessions

We work 2:2 with couples who are looking to call in a transformation in their relationship in every way. The clients we work with are committed to implementing the tools we provide in their daily lives in order to help facilitate a deeper level of intimacy, polarity and rising into the limitless love of their relationship

8 Sessions

4 Sessions

1 Session

True Devotion 

The most simple solution to the inner uncomfortable arisings is to point blame at our partner and only focus on their imperfections, lack of spiritual depth, destructive habits and their most wounded parts.

This is the most common pattern we see in partnerships as it’s the easiest way to avoid doing our own inner work. The inner work will be patiently awaiting us no matter what partnership we find ourselves in.

And so, as the relationship commences its unavoidable death and rebirth cycle, we enter into the vortex of transformation and no longer is their passionate intimacy and a harmonious peaceful home environment… most couples don’t make this death portion of the transformation cycle because it can be so easy to believe that a better, more loving and stable partnership is with someone else.

If we do this with loving presence and a lot of patience, we once again re-enter into the rebirth cycle which is also known as a β€œHoneymoon Period.” The honeymoon period is simply the stage of your relationship where you are getting to know one another and there is heightened polarity and a fresh sense of aliveness between the two of you. 

Our society deems The Honeymoon Period as a stage that lasts anywhere from 3-12 months that is always at the beginning of the relationship…

…yet Our five year relationship is living proof that the Honeymoon Period is actually an awakened stage of consciousness that can be accessed throughout all stages and cycles of our partnership. Each time your partnership moves through a death and rebirth cycle (supporting each individual to purify a false sense of self that is not supporting your life or your relationship to ascend) then both beings have committed themselves to doing β€œthe work” and you’ll soon experience something in your connection that you’ve never experienced before. That is the central understanding of a death and rebirth cycle. Something dies away in order to make space for the new. This process is what births sacred union in partnership.

Follow Our Journey

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